
Success Story: Piedmont Healthcare

succeSs story

In the face of growing government regulation, shrinking reimbursements, and rising patient expectations, this regional healthcare system wanted to improve access to care, the patient experience, and its bottom line—all at the same time.

We ‘shopped’ the hospital in several channels and created a photo montage so that everyone could see what patients are caregivers saw. Piedmont engaged a board-level task force to share their personal opinions early, introduce patient satisfaction data, and develop feasible ways forward. Through discussion, several feasible experience approaches surfaced. The client’s financial team identified those that were most cost-effective. We introduced high-level service designs and outlined a new innovation capability to ensure practical implementation.

Piedmont applied the experience principles, processes, and innovation capability toward elective procedures, architectural build-outs, out-patient registration, and scheduling. They continue to use this thinking in new areas.



“Mike helped us go beyond what we thought was possible. We benefit from all his other customer experiences in various industries. He inspired us to think differently about the impact we have on our customers' lives.”

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